Thursday, June 24, 2010

Whole numbers

Friends, i have been writing for you from a very long time and of course received a lot of feedback from you guys. I have tried my best to give you a complete information on the topic i select to discuss. This post deals with the introduction of Whole numbers. Lets learn more on this.

Natural numbers and Whole numbers:- When you start counting we do it from 1 isn't it? Do you know what 1, 2, 3, 4... are called? These numbers are called as Natural Numbers. Can we include zero(0) in these set of numbers? Yes, 0, 1, 2, 3.... they are called as Whole numbers. Do you know zero is the smallest whole number.

0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 are the first ten whole numbers. They are called digits. Using these digits any number can be formed. The whole number is an infinite set therefore we can not determine the largest number of the set. The set of a whole number is said to be the subset of a rational numbers.

There is no whole number in the left side of zero in the number line.

A whole number which is greater than a given whole number by 1 is said to be a successive whole number. 1 is the successive whole number to 0. Every whole number has one successor.

I have given you an introduction to whole numbers in this post. Learn on many other topics in my coming post. If you have some topic that you want me to discuss on, feel free in posting your comments and your request.

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